hip joint, prostheses, implant, hip stem, total hip replacementAbstract
Nowadays the biomechanical field is getting a significant amplitude and the research directions from all over the world are increasingly focusing on the prostheses personalization. In T.H.R. (Total Hip Replacement) the most important factors that lead to a good osseointegration are the design and implicitly hip prosthesis geometry, the prosthetic components orientation, the couple type and the biomaterials used; bone quality and the patients’ medical history, as well as the surgeons’ approaching method in orthopedics may influence the outcome of the hip replacement surgery also. From the first hip implants initiated by Temistocles Gluck between 1853 and 1942 and up to nowadays implants that attempts to reproduce femoral geometry and bone structure, this article aims to present the most important evolutionary stages of hip prostheses and the optimization directions that researchers approach ultimately.
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